Why Gregorian Chant?


In an address to the Scholae Cantorum of the Italian Association of Saint Cecilia, Pope Francis emphasized the importance of sacred music and that the music of the liturgy must be “Not just any music, but holy music, because rituals are holy; endowed with the nobility of art, because God must be given the best” and also that the music chosen must be “Above all, clearly distinct and different from that used for other purposes.” He emphasized these facts in continuity with all the Popes, mentioning specifically the teachings of Saint Paul VI and Pope Benedict XVI, and how Gregorian chant is the example that all sacred music should follow.

Together you can better engage in singing as an integral part of the liturgy, inspired by the first model, Gregorian chant. Together you take care of the artistic and liturgical preparation, and you promote the presence of the schola cantorum in every parish community. The choir guides the assembly and – with its specific repertoires – is a qualified voice of spirituality, communion, tradition and liturgical culture.

- Pope Francis

We must choose Gregorian Chant then, not because it appeals to any personal preference, but because it is the music most suited to the liturgy. It is the music developed over the ages to accompany, not replace, the words of the liturgy and thus provide a most fitting worship for the Lord.